Peer-Reviewed Work

Witteveen, D., & Paul Attewell (2024). Closure and matching payoffs from college majors. Socio-Economic Review, 22(1): 249-278.

Westerman, J., Witteveen, D., Bihagen, E., & Shabazan, R. (2024). Work life complexity no longer on the rise. European Societies, 26(13): 1-33.

Witteveen, D. (2023). The effect of undergraduate financing on advanced degree attainment. Social Forces, 103(3): 1258-1287.

Witteveen, D. (2023). Parental education-occupation matching and offspring earnings (pp. 197-215). In M. Tåhlin (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Skills and Inequality. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Attewell, P., & Witteveen, D. (2023). Occupational marginalization, underemployment, and earnings inequality. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83 (100761), 1-9.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2022). Black-white incentive inequality for college persistence. Rationality and Society, 34(2): 155-184.

Witteveen, D., & Westerman, J. (2022). Structural change shapes career mobility opportunities: An analysis of cohorts, gender and parental class. Work, Employment and Society, 37(1), 97-116.

Witteveen, D. (2022). Premature death risk from young adulthood incarceration. The Sociological Quarterly, 63(4), 613-640.

Witteveen, D. (2021). Encouraged or discouraged? The effect of adverse macroeconomic conditions on school leaving and reentry. Sociology of Education, 94(2), 103-123.

Wen, F., & Witteveen, D. (2021). Who is willing to pay for their children’s college education? The role of perceived social mobility. Social Science Research (102579), 1-16.

Witteveen, D., & Pedraza de, P. (2021). The roles of general health and COVID-19 proximity in contact tracing app usage: Cross-sectional survey study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7(8), 1-13.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2021). Delayed time-to-degree and post-college earnings. Research in Higher Education, 62, 230-257.

Witteveen, D., & Velthorst, E. (2020). Economic hardship and mental health complaints during COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27277-27284.

Witteveen, D. (2020). Sociodemographic inequality in exposure to COVID-19-induced economic hardship in the United Kingdom. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 69 (100551), 1-10.  

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2020). The STEM grading penalty: An alternative to the ‘leaky pipeline’ hypothesis. Science Education, 104, 714-735.  

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2020). Reconsidering the ‘meritocratic power’ of college degree. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 66 (100479), 1-14.  

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2020). The vertical transfer penalty among bachelor’s degree graduates. The Journal of Higher Education, 91(1), 32-57.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2019). The social dimensions of student debt: A data mining analysis. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 49(1), 1-23.

Witteveen, D., & Alba, R. (2018). Labour market disadvantages of second generation Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands: before and during the Great Recession. International Migration, 56(2), 97-116.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2017). Family background and earnings inequality among college graduates. Social Forces, 95(4), 1539-1576.

Witteveen, D. (2017). Precarious early careers: Instability and timing within labor market entry. Research in the Sociology of Work, 31, 365-398.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2017). The earnings payoff of attending a selective college. Social Science Research, 66(C), 154-169.

Witteveen, D. (2017). The rise of mainstream nationalism and xenophobia in Dutch politics. Journal of Labor and Society, 20(3), 373-378.

Witteveen, D., & Attewell, P. (2017). The college completion puzzle: A hidden Markov model approach. Research in Higher Education, 58(4), 449-467.


Witteveen, D. (2018). The trajectory from school to work: A study of life chances of school leavers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden. CUNY Academic Works

Book Chapters

Manza, J., & Witteveen, D. (2018). Work and careers in a changing labor market. In J. Manza, & P. Sharkey (Eds.), Social Problems: The Sociology Project. New York, NY: Pearson.

Persell, C., Manza, J., Witteveen, D., & L. Andrist. (2018). Schools and the educational system. In J. Manza, & P. Sharkey (Eds.), Social Problems: The Sociology Project. New York, NY: Pearson.

Persell, C., & Witteveen, D. (2016). Education. J. Manza (Ed.), The Sociology Project 2.0/2.5: Introducing the Sociological Imagination (2nd edition). New York, NY: Pearson.

Policy Reports

Torrente, C., Aber, J.L., Witteveen, D., Gupta, T., & Johnston, B. (2012). Opportunities for Equitable Access to Quality Basic Education (OPEQ) Baseline Report: Teacher Survey Results. New York, NY: International Rescue Committee & New York University, Steinhardt.

Van der Klein, M., Tan, S., De Groot, I., Duyvendak, J., & Witteveen, D. (2009). Discriminatie is het woord niet. Lesbische vrouwen en homoseksuele mannen op de werkvloer: Bejegening en beleid. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Institute.